Let Park Avenue do your laundry…because you have better things to do with your time and money!
Let Park Avenue do your laundry…because you have better things to do with your time and money!


Laundry is about total fabric care.  Most clothing is made from washable fabric.  Many linens (bath towels, table clothes, etc.), bedding, blankets, comforters, area rugs including curtains are made from washable fabric.

Knowledge of fabric saves you money.  Machine washable garments when properly cared for, last a long time and saves you money.

Park Avenue Laundry offers a variety of services aimed at cleaning, maintaining and repairing clothing as well as other washable items.


Laundry Service machine wash, dried and neatly folded.

Laundry Service


Stain Removal and Treatment not all stains can be removed but most of them can.  The sooner you treat them the better.  We use products that aren’t harsh on your garments or the environment.

Stain Treatment & Removal


Ironing – Hand ironed to perfection.



Alterations – minor repairs to your garments.



Sewing – company logo removal and patch replacement (on sweaters, jackets, shirts, etc.) for businesses and organizations.



In some cases, you will realize a minimum 10% reduction in your laundry expense with Park Avenue Laundry’s flexible service plans.  Find out for yourself, how our services can save you time and money.  For a free estimate, call us at 860-289-1920.




Contact Us Today!

Park Avenue Laundry

P.O. Box 280794
East Hartford, CT 06128
Phone: 860-289-1920

E-mail: palaundry@sbcglobal.net


Tell your friends and relatives about the service you have experienced and receive 25% off on your next pick up!  Just tell your friends to mention your name when they make an appointment and you’ll receive the discount on your next pick up.

So spread the word and enjoy the extra savings!


Gift Certificate

Special Occasion Coming Up?


Give a gift that reduces stress, muscle aches plus add more free time to your day.

Have the Laundry Done!

It's a great gift for someone who really deserves it!

Gift certificates are available in $10, $15 or $20 increments.  They are redeemable at any time. 
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© Park Avenue Laundry